“Anna Foundation helps me a lot. Especially the maths programme. The sport also means a lot to me.  It keeps me fit and away from bad things. The drama is excellent. My report is much better now than before. It helps me a lot at school.” Mervin (Grade 8)



Corporate social responsibility is important to Simonsig and therefore the supervision and training that the Anna Foundation provides at the day centre plays an integral part in the success of this program. The concept of the reading, running and right-ing program is a great tool to develop the ability of our children and upliftment of the whole community.   

Francois Malan – Simonsig Estate (Their programme started in 2009)

The impact that Anna Foundation has had on the children at Buffet        Olives and the community at large is more than money can buy.  The pride, confidence and self-esteem is clearly evident.  These are qualities that don’t just happen and it is from this foundation that dreams can become a reality. Thank you for providing the tools so that children can determine their future.

John Schrimgeour – Buffet Olives (Their programme started 2011)

Together with the Anna Foundation, we have created a safe and highly   creative environment for our children to attend after school.  The added advantages are twofold: – firstly, it gives more of the mother’s opportunity to work, which brings more money into the families; secondly, the workshops for the parents on how to act in a positive way and encourage their children than rather berate them constantly, has brought about a far better understanding of positive parenting methods.   The children love the program and all, with the exception of one child, attend the school out of their own free will and with lots of enthusiasm.  My personal highlight was to see a major improvement in our children’s June Exam report cards at the local Waboomsheuwel School.  The teachers of this local school are just as excited as we are. They can already see major improvement in our children, especially in their reading capabilities. I believe this will be the foundation in changing the future education of these children.

John Koster – Klawervlei Stud (Their programme started 2017)

There is nothing more rewarding than the ability to shape a child’s life. The Anna Foundation has given us the tools and support for this process.  As an active person I can see the benefit the children receive by cycling to the aftercare and hope to enjoy cycling with them in the future. – Andries Erwee –  Monteith Trust (Their programme started 2014)