Reading: We are always looking for effective ways to introduce our children to new texts and to focus on reading for meaning and enjoyment. Shared Reading is a whole-class activity: the children follow a text together, listening to how the punctuation, expression and intonation should sound, as the facilitator reads to them. With older learners multiple copies of the same text are needed while with younger children, Big Books or enlarged texts are used while the facilitator points to each line as...
We celebrated the official launch of our new cycling Pump Track at our Buffet Olives project on 22 September with friends and invited guests. The track was designed by Eckhardt Kühn (Adrenaline Activities Coordinator at Cascade Manor) and built under his expert supervision with a team of Anna Foundation children who were very ‘hands-on’, right from the very beginning! Among guests present were a number of well-known faces in the biking world, including professional MTB-er Adriaan Louw, Junior SA...
September has been a busy month! We took children to the Cell C Day of Races, the Cape Town Peace Run (both in Cape Town!) and the Moore Stephens Night Run in Stellenbosch. For a number of children these running events were their first. It’s clear that we have some pretty talented athletes out there, but run or jog, the medals really do make each child feel like a winner! ...