We have worked for many years in rural communities where educational standards remain, in general, very poor. So many learners we work with every afternoon are functioning well below their required grade level. COVID only exacerbated an already dire reality for these children. We know that in an ideal scenario, daily individual attention to each learner could significantly change this reality, however this is not a realistic nor sustainable solution. Our educational team has worked tirelessly this year to find practical, engaging and meaningful ways of implementing interventions that can support these learners to bridge the gap from where they are, and where they ought to be. Our long term goal is to ensure that the majority (at least 80%) of all Foundation phase learners in our programme are performing at the level appropriate to their respective grade. When they enter the higher grades, they can then adjust to the academic workload required of them, without significant foundational barriers. It will not be an easy road, and there is no quick fix, however we are very committed to walking this path with our learners.

A child’s growth is not only about academic progress. We believe strongly in the benefits of meeting their physical and emotional needs in order to allow each child to develop holistically. What would a year be without sporting activities, arts and cultural experiences and just a little (no maybe A LOT) of fun!

Please take the time to read Hazel Solomon’s story, written in her own words entirely. She started as a scholar in our after school programme over 10 years ago and now works as a facilitator at the project in her community, while simultaneously completing her own academic pursuits. She is such an inspiration to so many other children and women and we are so proud of her achievements and so grateful for her positive contribution in all that she does.

Thank you for caring about our work and thank you for helping to make a difference to these young children’s lives.
