Half Year Report 2024

This has been a whirl wind year! We set ourselves the ambitious goal of incorporating 200 new children into our programmes in 2024 … I am pleased to report that we have exceeded that goal with a total of almost 300 new children already! These children have been benefitting from our programmes since the start of 2024 and continue to enjoy the benefits on a daily basis. We extended our reach into the Elgin valley at the start of the...

First Term Newsletter 2024

Exciting News: The Anna Foundation’s Bold Expansion in 2024! Hold onto your hats because we’re thrilled to announce some exciting developments at the Anna Foundation! Our journey in 2024 has been nothing short of extraordinary as we’ve embarked on a mission to spread our wings far and wide, touching the lives of more children than ever before. First, let’s talk about our latest additions – the Lorraine Project, situated in Rawsonville, and the Dennegeur Project, nestled in the Elgin valley. The Lorraine...

Annual Report 2023

MESSAGE FROM ANNAIt’s a wrap! What a busy year we have had at the Anna Foundation in 2023.We welcomed 4 new projects this year, offering 160 new children access to all the benefits of our after school programmes. We provided 12 rural women with career opportunities and trained and upskilled them to perform the task of facilitator at the new after schools. It has been so rewarding to observe the growth in both the children and these women over this...

Half Year Report 2023

MESSAGE FROM ANNAIt is safe to say the Cape winter has arrived. Many of our projects and families in the Langeberg region were impacted by the floods recently experienced. We are grateful for the support we could offer these children during this time, and for the many helping hands that donated blankets, warm clothing and food.We have had an incredibly full 6 months. We welcomed 2 new projects on board, offering 60 new children access to our programmes and support....

First Term Newsletter

MESSAGE FROM ANNA“It feels almost strange to start by saying ‘Welcome to 2023’! This year has been so incredibly full, it is hard to believe we are already in March. I feel inspired reading through this newsletter and noting all the achievements accomplished: some seemingly small and others clearly large!For me personally, I love the story we share on Mariska and Hazel. These girls are both past learners of the Anna Foundation who matriculated through our programmes. I remember them...

Anna Foundation Launches New Educational Project at Merwida Wine Farm

Rawsonville, South Africa – The Anna Foundation has launched a new after-school project atthe Merwida Wine Farm in Rawsonville, aimed at supporting the holistic development of 90children between the ages of 5-18 years. The project opened its doors on Monday, January23rd, 2023, making structured Educational, Sports, and Life Skills support available to thechildren. The farm’s Social Worker, Mercia Prince, said, “When I started here 4 years ago, it becamemy vision to develop an after-school centre on the farm. And thanks to...

Kicking off the Year in Style!

On Friday 13 January, the Anna Foundation welcomed a team of American University students to kick off the year in style with a soccer skills clinic. As part of their sports tour to South Africa, the Case Western University Women’s Soccer team chose to visit the Anna Foundation’s after-school project in Robertson for a day filled with fun, games and skills development. After taking a tour of the after-school’s facilities and learning about the educational, sports and life skills support offered...

Reaching the Rural Children of Raithby

On 25 July 2022 we had the delight of opening a new afterschool project at Raithby Primary School in the Stellenbosch Winelands. Up until now, many learners have stood outside the school every afternoon, unattended, waiting for their transport to take them home. Now that we have begun to facilitate our “3 Rs Programme” in the afternoons, however, these children have the opportunity to take part in facilitated educational, sports and life-skills activities that encourage powerful life-long learning. It was upon...

Women of the Anna Foundation

In working towards encouraging the holistic development of underprivileged rural children, one of the Anna Foundation’s top priorities is to empower, equip and employ local women to support the children in their communities through our “3 Rs Programme: Reading, Running, Right-ing”.  We currently train and employ 35 rural women to facilitate our professionally developed programme at 17 rural after-school projects. These ladies are the real heroes of the Foundation who pour their love and time into our learners, day in...

Wonderbox Boys

The WonderBox: A Gift that Keeps on Giving!

Our partnership with Wonderdal is one which began in 2019 and has continued to blossom since. Wonderdal is a state-of-the-art interactive edutainment centre for children on the beautiful Hazendal Estate. The wonderful world of Wonderdal is a magical and educational experience, with the power to open a child’s mind to the worlds of science, nature and learning in a new way. Not all children have the resources to access this wonderful world of...