It may not have been the Cape Epic 2020 that everyone was waiting for, but there is always a light shining somewhere if you look for it. Following a recent skills training session with racing champion, Ariane Lüthi, it appears that the riding bug has truly bitten for the group of Anna Foundation learners from Neethlingshof who attended.

In particular, three young ladies, Kelly De Villiers, Grade 8, Lee Kay Cloete and Junay Williams, Grade 9, had been particularly anxious about getting in the saddle with Ariane, lacking confidence in their ability to keep up with the others.

However, in just two weeks, we can already see how much their attitude has changed! As part of our regular after school sports programme, before social distancing guidelines were implemented, these same learners hit the community pump track in Die Boord to practice and perfect the skills learnt with Ariane. No fear this time round for Kelly, Lee Kay and Junay. Only excitement, laughter and supportive cheers.

Ariane spoke to our learners about her commitment to lifting up women within mountain biking and improving access for women to the sport, so we know she will be proud of this shift in mindset from our young ladies!

It’s moments like these that remind us of how big a difference small actions can make in the lives of others. We thank all of our loyal volunteers, supporters, fundraisers and donors for the difference you make to the everyday lives of the Anna Foundation community.