Achieving our goals – the Teenage 3D Program (‘Droom, Dink, Doen’ – ‘Dream. Think. Do’). Our own “conservationist’ teenager gets an internship at the ASHIA Cheater Outreach project in Paarl.
Our goals at the Anna Foundation have always been steadfast – to provide opportunities for our future generation, through providing the gift of self confidence and self worth. In our recent Teenage workshop Une Conradie, our Project Coordinator, invited the teenagers to choose from a series of images and objects that resonated with them. She willed them to dream of their future. Most of the teenagers focused on material items and some on what their family would look like in the future. One inspirational young man thought about his career. Jemaine Claasen built an interesting model of a homing pigeon’s loft from plastic! From this he shared his dreams in the class, of being a conservationist due to his love of animals and birds. With this knowledge, that we have found him an internship with the nearby ASHIA Cheater Outreach project in Paarl. A real example of Droom, Dink, Doen.