Learning to work with money and budgets using store adverts and recycled lids

  Learning does not have to be expensive.  Renee Lighton from Lighton Education (one of Anna Foundation’s facilitator trainers), shows how one can show children colours, mathematics, financing, budgeting and more with simple tools like bottle tops and store adverts! In the rural areas, some disadvantaged children do not always have access to educational tools which come standard at other schools.   ...

Our own ‘conservationist’ teenager gets an internship

Achieving our goals – the Teenage 3D Program (‘Droom, Dink, Doen’ – ‘Dream. Think. Do’). Our own “conservationist’ teenager gets an internship at the ASHIA Cheater Outreach project in Paarl. Our goals at the Anna Foundation have always been steadfast – to provide opportunities for our future generation, through providing the gift of self confidence and self worth. In our recent Teenage workshop Une Conradie, our Project Coordinator, invited the teenagers to choose from a series of images and objects that...

Teen Workshop

In addition to the very specific after-school support we offer our high school students, we also hold a monthly workshop for them at a central venue which forms part of our Teenager Programme. These workshops are seen as a privilege (they must attend the after-school regularly in order to qualify and are aimed at inspiring them for their futures. Workshops each with its own theme – are planned and brought to life by Une Conradie, designer of our current life...

3 R’s: Reading, Running Righting February News

Reading (Education): Good auditory skills have amongst others, significant benefits for learning reading. This month our facilitators focus on auditory perception and how to apply it in shared reading. These listening skills are practiced by playing auditory games with the children on a regular basis and then reading a story with questions that follow on from what they have just read.  The Grade R – 3’s focus on sounds at the start and ends of words, while the Grade 4...

My Body

3 R’s: Reading, Running, Righting January News

Reading (Education): The current worksheet theme is “My Body”. Facilitators are trained how to incorporate creative and exciting introductions to make lessons more effective and bring the theme to life. Hangman, spelling competitions and even drawing with feet or blindfolded is a huge hit but also very effective!  Fun games incorporated into the topic help children practice spelling which will ultimately enhance their writing skills and help them remember what they learn. Running (Sport): Sit-ups, planking, sprints and endurance running...


Drakenstein Mayor Visits

Children at Buffet Olives farm welcomed the Drakenstein Mayor, Councillor Conrad Poole, to their after-school on 9 November. He was very interested in finding out more about our 3 R’s Programme and so enjoyed watching the drama games that he jumped up and joined in! The Mayor noticed how much the children enjoy the programme and was particularly impressed with the way in which facilitator, Catharine discussed with the children how lessons from the game can be applied in their everyday...