MESSAGE FROM ANNA It’s a wrap! What a busy year we have had at the Anna Foundation in 2023. We welcomed 4 new projects this year, offering 160 new children access to all the benefits of our after school programmes. We provided 12 rural women with career opportunities and trained and upskilled them to perform the task of facilitator at the new after schools. It has been so rewarding to observe the growth in both the children and these women over this year period! We were privileged to be able to restock many of our libraries with new readers; reading being such a significant and critical part of our offering at the after school. Sports remains a highlight for many children and this year we offered weekly cycling opportunities and took our children to many local fun runs. Our outings also focussed on the arts and the children were exposed to many theatre and dance opportunities. We ended the year with Christmas parties and jumping castles, water slides and pizza! Now doesn’t that sound like a good year. As we bring the year to a close, it is fitting to reflect on how we make so much happen every year! We have an incredibly dedicated team who go beyond what is expected of them in order to make each year such a success. They pour their hearts into caring for the children we serve, always placing the children’s needs at the centre of everything they do. Because of this, the children continue to flourish. We cannot make a difference in these children’s lives, without the support of our donors and partners. It is with thanks to all of you for believing in the work we are doing, and for caring about the well-being of these children. We are truly grateful for all the support we continue to receive in so many different ways. We have big plans for 2024… Projects are lined up in the Rawsonville area, hoping to start in January next year. The Elgin valley is anticipating our support as we enter into partnership with their vast after school networks and the many women requesting our help in the work they are doing in this region. We are so excited to make a really big difference in 2024! But… for now we take a well deserved break and will be back in full force in January 2024. Wishing you all a peaceful holiday! Anna |