Teen Workshop

In addition to the very specific after-school support we offer our high school students, we also hold a monthly workshop for them at a central venue which forms part of our Teenager Programme. These workshops are seen as a privilege (they must attend the after-school regularly in order to qualify and are aimed at inspiring them for their futures. Workshops each with its own theme – are planned and brought to life by Une Conradie, designer of our current life...

Epic Adrenalin Countdown

INTRODUCING: Willie Engelbrecht Cycling legend, Willie Engelbrecht has won the Argus Cycle Tour 5 times, he dominated the pro cycling scene in the 80’s and 90’s and holds more than 1000 other titles under his belt! We’re proud to welcome him as our ambassador as he teams up with Anna Foundation Operations Manager (and ex-Springbok cyclist), Pierre-Henri Olivier at the Absa Cape Epic from 19 – 26 March 2017! It was rather exciting for the children from Buffet Olives and Neethlingshof farms...

Cape Town Beach Clean Up and TV Time

On 18 February 2017 the Grade 5 – 7’s from Simonsig Wine Estate after-school joined over 1000 Capetonians for 5FM’s “BIG Cape Town Clean Up”! The five areas being targeted for this mass litter collection included Sea Point Promenade/Mouille Point (where we were stationed), Lion’s Head, the Liesbeek River, Milnerton Lagoon and Joe Slovo. The Anna Foundation children were first briefed by a representative from the Two Oceans Aquarium as to what to look out for. They were given gloves...

27 For Freedom Fun Run

Saturday, 11 February 2017 marked 27 years since Nelson Mandela was released, after spending 27 years in the Victor Verster Prison in Paarl. Our children were privileged to be able to see first hand, where Madiba stayed all those years as we ran 5km in the 27 for Freedom Fun Run which took us through the grounds of the Correctional Services. It was not only an enjoyable event but an enlightening one too! Special thanks to Top Events, and also to Manfred...

Harvest Parade

Stellenbosch Harvest Parade

We joined some of our Stellenbosch farms as they took part in the annual Stellenbosch Harvest Festival Parade. This annual festival serves as a celebration and blessing of the wine harvest that lies ahead. Our Neethlingshof’s children rode on their farm’s decorated trailer while children from Dornier and Waterford marched with banners alongside our highly visible minibus. Children from Stellenzicht really stood out on their oh-so-unique harvest trailer which they’d transformed into a work of art on wheels! The Anna Foundation branding...

Trail Run

Realtors International Trail-Fun-Run

The children from Simonsig Wine Estate were extremely excited at the prospect of this trail running event taking place on their farm. Their first run for the year! On the morning of 28 January, children, parents, facilitators and support runners lined up, ready to tackle “the hill” which everyone had been talking about the day before. Hill? What hill?! The children ran like lightening and really did us proud and we even had a few prize winners! Special thanks to Japie Swanepoel...


Year End and Shoeboxes!

During the last two weeks of the school year each of our various regions held their year-end celebrations. Each function was different – the Boland children visited Graceland in Paarl and swam while the Robertson children were taken to the Spur! One thing each function had in common was that every child, received a shoebox filled with stationery, toiletries, clothes and other goodies from the super people at the Shoebox of Love project.  Thank you to all those who...


Inspiring Olympic Medallists

Children at Buffet Olives farm enjoyed an enlightening and inspiring talk by South African Olympic rowers, Lawrence Brittain and Shaun Bryce Keeling. They even got to hold the silver medal which the pair won at the 2016 Rio Olympics!! The athletes shared with our learners the success they will enjoy if they just persevere and have the right positive mindset – wise words and absolute proof as Lawrence has battled cancer… and won. As they say to one another: “BELIEVE”! Huge thanks...


Drakenstein Mayor Visits

Children at Buffet Olives farm welcomed the Drakenstein Mayor, Councillor Conrad Poole, to their after-school on 9 November. He was very interested in finding out more about our 3 R’s Programme and so enjoyed watching the drama games that he jumped up and joined in! The Mayor noticed how much the children enjoy the programme and was particularly impressed with the way in which facilitator, Catharine discussed with the children how lessons from the game can be applied in their everyday...

MTB Training with Ariane Kleinhans

Ariane Kleinhans is a professional mountain biker from Switzerland, who currently lives in Stellenbosch. She has taken first place on the podium at many MTB events around the world, including winning 3 Absa Cape Epic titles! On 23 October 2016, after easily winning the ladies’ 42km race in the Buffet Olives MTB Classic, Ariane headed over to our pump track for some coaching with our girls. Ariane would demonstrate a technique and the Buffet Olives girls would copy. By the end...