It feels almost strange to start by saying ‘Welcome to 2023’! This year has been so incredibly full, it is hard to believe we are already in March. I feel inspired reading through this newsletter and noting all the achievements accomplished: some seemingly small and others clearly large!

For me personally, I love the story we share on Mariska and Hazel. These girls are both past learners of the Anna Foundation who matriculated through our programmes. I remember them as small children with big eyes and eager smiles! Now they are both employed by the Foundation, giving back to the very communities they came from themselves. It has been touching to watch them develop and see the commitment they show in their roles as Anna Foundation staff members. Their joy is contagious and the children are thriving in their care.

This month is Cape Epic fever for us! It is a highlight for our children and a spectacular opportunity to offer them a world-class sporting experience! This year some of our eager young riders had the opportunity to participate in the final day’s kiddies race “Epic Kids: Future Legends” – talk about adventure!

Wishing you a happy read, 